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40 sachets filters Herbensurin

Herbensurina - Envelopes - 40 pcs
0.27 € / 1 ud

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Product details

  • Description

    40 sachets filters Herbensurin

    Herbensurina is a dietary supplement in the form of envelopes-filter for infusion, with a careful mixture of herbs that help the welfare of the urinary tract.

    They are present in the composition of Herbensurina:

    * Herniaria glabra.: With diuretic and action known as "broken stones".

    * Grass of the drugstores.: Traditionally used in urinary tract infections and prevention of urolithiasis.

    -Tailed horse.: With mild diuretic action. * Elderflower cordial.: With diuretic and antibacterial action.


    Each over-filter of Herbensurin contains: Hernia 1.0 g; Grass of the drugstores 0.25 g; Ponytail 0.15g; Elder 0 g.

    Signs: Welfare of the urinary tract

    How to use: Drink 2 to 4 infusions per day.

    Other information: Do not take Herbensurina if you are being treated with products for the control of blood pressure.

    Format: 40 envelopes-filter for infusion kits. It exists also in presentation of 20 envelopes-filter

    Product class: Dietary supplement. Sold in pharmacies and dietetics.

    Advantages: The unique composition of Herbensurina makes this product a classic in the care of the urinary tract. Herbensurina maintains the properties that have made it legendary with a formulation adapted to current times.

    Its remineralizing diuretic action facilitates the Elimination of urine while maintaining proper electrolyte balance. The most preferred phytodiuretic.

    Consejo farmacéutico
    Non prenda Herbensurin se è in trattamento con prodotti per il controllo della pressione sanguigna.
  • Key details

    • Product type Envelopes
    • Unit price 0.27 € / 1 ud
    • Brand Herbensurina
    • PVP 11,99
  • Composition

    Ogni bustina di Herbensurina contiene: Herniaria 1,0 g; Grama da farmacista 0,25 g; Equiseto 0,15 g; Sambuco 0,10 g.
  • How to use

    Assumere da 2 a 4 infusioni al giorno.

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