Alvita Baby Wipes 72 units, quick and effective cleaning for your little one
Cleaning solution as delicate as a caress on your baby s skin.
Alvita Baby Wipes 72 units are a hygienic solution that keeps your baby s skin clean and protected anytime, anywhere. The lotion in these wipes contains gentle surfactants and natural active ingredients to provide an optimal cleaning solution without irritating your little one s skin. For greater safety, the wipes are dermatologically tested on sensitive skin and have a physiological pH. Alvita Baby Wipes , which is available in other formats, contains 72 units.
Who is it indicated for?
Daily hygiene and protection of the baby s delicate skin. These wipes make cleaning easier without the need for rinsing or soap and water.
How does it apply?
Alvita Baby Wipes are ready to use on your baby s skin.
Recommendation for use:
Store in a cool, dry place, out of the reach of small children.
External use.
If you need more information about this product, or any other from the wide range of , do not hesitate to consult the pharmaceutical team at your trusted online parapharmacy. Baby Wipes 72 units<div id= toc ><h2>Table of Contents</h2><ul><li class= toclevel-1 > <a href= #w_alvita-toallitas-bebe-72-unidades-limpieza-rapida-y-eficaz-para-tu-pequeno ><span class= tocnumber >1</span> <span class= toctext >Alvita Baby Wipes 72 units, quick and effective cleaning for your little one</span></a></li><li class= toclevel-1 > <a href= #w_para-quien-esta-indicado ><span class= tocnumber >2</span> <span class= toctext >Who is it indicated for?</span></a><ul><li class= toclevel-2 > <a href= #w_como-se-aplica ><span class= tocnumber >2.1</span> <span class= toctext >How is it applied?</span></a></li><li class= toclevel-2 > <a href= #w_recomendacion-de-uso ><span class= tocnumber >2.2</span> <span class= toctext >Recommendation for use:</span></a> </li></ul></li></ul></div><h2 id= w_alvita-toallitas-bebe-72-unidades-limpieza-rapida-y-eficaz-para-tu-pequeno > Alvita Baby Wipes 72 units, quick and effective cleaning for your little one</h2><p> <span>Cleaning solution as delicate as a caress on your baby s skin.</span><br><br></p><p> <strong>Alvita Baby Wipes 72 units</strong> are a hygienic solution that keeps your baby s skin clean and protected anytime, anywhere. The lotion in these wipes contains gentle surfactants and natural active ingredients to provide an optimal cleaning solution without irritating your little one s skin. For greater safety, the wipes are dermatologically tested on sensitive skin and have a physiological pH. <strong>Alvita Baby Wipes</strong> , which is available in other formats, contains 72 units.</p><h2 id= w_para-quien-esta-indicado > <span><strong>Who is it indicated for?</strong></span></h2><p> Daily hygiene and protection of the baby s delicate skin. These wipes make cleaning easier without the need for rinsing or soap and water.</p><h3 id= w_como-se-aplica > <span><strong><span>How does it apply?</span></strong></span></h3><p> Alvita Baby Wipes are ready to use on your baby s skin.</p><h3 id= w_recomendacion-de-uso > <span><strong><span>Recommendation for use:</span></strong></span></h3><p> Store in a cool, dry place, out of the reach of small children.</p><p> External use.</p><p> If you need more information about this product, or any other from the wide range of <a href= ></a> , do not hesitate to consult the pharmaceutical team at your trusted online parapharmacy.</p>,width:250,height:2503.49instock4.832.8842965206612281.34Alvita and Mom/Baby and Mom/Diapers and Changing/Baby and Mom/Diapers and Changing/Wipes2024-09-16T06:06:23+0000
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