Adapted to the skins dry, cream SPF 50 rich texture and not fat, apply quickly without leaving marks. Optimized to resist further water being ultracosmetic, at the end of the sensory analysis shows more soft than the reference product, neither sticky nor bright.
Tinted cream allows you to hide the skin blemishes, make skins whose pigmentation is difficult or irregular and improve tone with an effect & # 8220; good face & # 8221;
The version without perfume is recommended in particular for sensitive skins allergic to perfumes.
It is an emulsion optimized H/E to resist further water without ceasing to be ultracosmetic and pleasant to use.
- Airless tube-pump: comfortable, the pump allows to easily dispense the proper amount of product applied.
-Highly resistant to water. -Certified according to grape. -Hypoallergenic products and not comedogens.
Sun protective Effective against all of the Sun s rays (UVB-UVA long and short)
Highly resistant to water Durable thanks to its excellent resistance to water and sweat.
antioxidant Thanks to the pre-tocopherol, precursor of vitamin E; that strengthens the skin barrier.
Anti-irritant and soothing Thanks to its wealth of Avène thermal water
Avène thermal water
MPI (ZnO TiO2 micronised and wrapped)
Tinosorb M and Tinosorb S
Sensitive facial skin dry to very dry. Very high protection clear sensitive skin or milky (blonde, red hair) and, more generally, of all skin exposed to a very intense sun.
Tips for use
Apply the cream evenly over the skin before exposure to the Sun. The use of this product should not incite to expose themselves so long in the Sun.
Repeat often in the case of prolonged exposure and after each bath. Avoid exposure between the h and 16 h. Sunburns are dangerous, especially for children.
Consejo farmacéutico
Pelle del viso sensibile da secca a molto secca.
Protezione molto alta per le pelli sensibili chiare o lattiginose (bionde, rosse) e, più in generale, tutte le pelli esposte al sole molto intenso.
Non va esposta al sole diretto nelle ore centrali della giornata. 50 Solar cream 50ml.<p>Avene 50 Solar cream 50ml.</p><div id= toc ><h2> Table of Contents</h2><ul><li class= toclevel-1 > <a href= #w_ventajas ><span class= tocnumber >1</span> <span class= toctext >advantages</span></a></li><li class= toclevel-1 > <a href= #w_propiedades ><span class= toctext >2Properties</span> <span class= tocnumber >_</span></a></li><li class= toclevel-1 > <a href= #w_composicioacuten ><span class= tocnumber >3</span> <span class= toctext >composition</span></a></li><li class= toclevel-1 > <a href= #w_indicaciones ><span class= tocnumber >4</span> <span class= toctext >directions</span></a></li><li class= toclevel-1 > <a href= #w_consejos-de-utilizacioacuten ><span class= tocnumber >5</span> <span class= toctext >tips for use</span></a></li></ul></div><h3 id= w_ventajas > advantages</h3><p> Adapted to the skins dry, cream SPF 50 rich texture and not fat, apply quickly without leaving marks. Optimized to resist further water being ultracosmetic, at the end of the sensory analysis shows more soft than the reference product, neither sticky nor bright.</p><ul><li><p> Tinted cream allows you to hide the skin blemishes, make skins whose pigmentation is difficult or irregular and improve tone with an effect & # 8220; good face & # 8221;</p></li><li><p> The version without perfume is recommended in particular for sensitive skins allergic to perfumes.</p></li></ul><p> It is an emulsion optimized H/E to resist further water without ceasing to be ultracosmetic and pleasant to use.<br><br> - Airless tube-pump: comfortable, the pump allows to easily dispense the proper amount of product applied.<br><br> -Highly resistant to water.<br> -Certified according to grape.<br> -Hypoallergenic products and not comedogens.</p><h3 id= w_propiedades > Properties</h3><ol><li> <b>Sun protective<br></b> Effective against all of the Sun s rays (UVB-UVA long and short)</li><li> <b>Highly resistant to water<br></b> Durable thanks to its excellent resistance to water and sweat.</li><li> <b>antioxidant<br></b> Thanks to the pre-tocopherol, precursor of vitamin E; that strengthens the skin barrier.</li><li> <b>Anti-irritant and soothing<br></b> Thanks to its wealth of Avène thermal water</li></ol><h3 id= w_composicioacuten > Composition</h3><ul><li> <b>Avène thermal water</b></li><li> MPI (ZnO TiO2 micronised and wrapped)</li><li> Tinosorb M and Tinosorb S</li><li> Pre-tocopherol</li></ul><h3 id= w_indicaciones > Indications</h3><p> Sensitive facial skin dry to very dry.<br> Very high protection clear sensitive skin or milky (blonde, red hair) and, more generally, of all skin exposed to a very intense sun.</p><h3 id= w_consejos-de-utilizacioacuten > Tips for use</h3><ul><li> Apply the cream evenly over the skin before exposure to the Sun.<br> The use of this product should not incite to expose themselves so long in the Sun.</li><li> Repeat often in the case of prolonged exposure and after each bath.<br> Avoid exposure between the h and 16 h.<br> Sunburns are dangerous, especially for children.</li></ul>,width:250,height:25017.99instock21.0414.867767595041143.05Avene and Hygiene/Health and Hygiene/Sun Protection and Cream/Health and Hygiene/Sun Protection and Cream/Facial Sun Protection/Health and Hygiene/Sun Protection and Cream/Travel Sunscreens/cyber_monday_pt_int/30% off on 2nd unit Avene/-15% Extra. Coupon: BEAUTY15/Mini Prices2024-09-16T05:48:20+0000
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