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Dentaid Halite Lingual Cleanser

Dentaid - 1 pcs
4.99 € / 1 ud

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Product details

  • Description

    Halite Lingual Cleanser

    This dental product.

    It includes two different faces to adapt to the central part of the tongue and its sides.

    Clean the tongue deeply.

    how to use

    Clean the central part of the tongue, using the face of the cleaner that has a protrusion.
    - Hold the tongue cleaner by the handle so that the projection is at the bottom.
    <p> - Take out the tongue and insert the tongue cleaner into the mouth trying to reach the furthest part of the tongue.

    <p> - Drag the cleaner through the center of the tongue towards the front of the mouth.

    <p> - Rinse the cleaner with water.

    Clean the sides of the tongue using the smooth face of cleaner.
    Rinse the cleaner after each pass.
    Rinse with plenty of water at the end.

  • Key details

    • Unit price 4.99 € / 1 ud
    • Brand Dentaid
    • PVP 7,52
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