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Frontline Tri Act 20 - 40kg 3P

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Antiparasitic for dogs that protects against fleas and ticks and prevents against sand flies, mosquitoes, flies in stables and ticks


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Frontline Tri Act dogs 20 - 40kg pipettes 3

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Frontline Tri Act is an antiparasitic for exclusive use for dogs that provides effective protection against fleas and ticks and exerts a repellent action of long duration against sand flies, mosquitoes, flies of the stables, and ticks.

Its formula contains active principles fipronil and permethrin.

Fipronil is an insecticide / acaricide substance characterized by acting quickly and ensuring long-lasting effects.

Permethrin is a substance insecticide and acaricide to exert a repellent action against sand flies, mosquitoes and ticks.

The monthly use of Frontline Tri Act protects your dog from diseases transmitted by sand flies (leishmaniasis), mosquitoes (filariasis), ticks (babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis) and flea (rickettsia infections, bartonellosis, dipylidiosis).

Mode of employment of Frontline Tri Act dogs

As protection against fleas, ticks and flying insects: apply every 4 weeks in dogs.

The contents of the pipette should be applied directly on the skin of the dog at two different points: the base of the neck and at the height of the cross (between the scapulae).

Pharmaceutical review

El producto puede utilizarse en cachorros a partir de las 8 semanas de edad y con un peso mínimo de 2 kg. Antes del baño respetar un período de 48 h después de cada aplicación de FRONTLINE TRI-ACT. Está indicado únicamente para perros. NO UTILIZAR en gatos y conejos

Mode of use

Como protección frente a las pulgas, las garrapatas y los insectos voladores: aplicación cada 4 semanas en el perro.

El contenido de la pipeta debe aplicarse directamente en la piel del perro en dos puntos distintos: la base del cuello y a la altura de la cruz (entre las escápulas).

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