Recovers the natural whiteness of teeth and protects gums. With a 75 ml format.
This product has been specially created for those who have sensitive teeth and gum problems, reducing bleeding and inflammation while restoring whiteness.
For adults.
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-Applicare il prodotto sui filamenti della testa e lavarsi i denti delicatamente per un paio di minuti. -Infine rimuovere i resti. -Ricordati di lavarti i denti dopo ogni pasto. Whitening Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth 75 mlRecovers the natural whiteness of teeth and protects gums. With a 75 ml format.
This product has been specially created for those who have sensitive teeth and gum problems, reducing bleeding and inflammation while restoring whiteness.
For adults.,width:250,height:2508.99instock9.997.4297510661157101iWhite
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