é porridge liquid 8 cereals 2x250ml 6 m <p><b>Nestlé porridge liquid 8 cereals 2x250ml</b></p><p> <a href= >Nestlé</a> is composed of eight types of tasty and nutritious cereal.</p><p> Suitable for children over <span style= text-decoration: underline; >six months</span> .</p><p> With Maria cookies.</p><p> It includes the nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for the proper physical and mental development of the child.</p><p> Pleasant taste</p><p> With bifidus effect which helps to regulate the intestinal transit.</p><p> Simple preparation</p><p> <i>Composition of <b>Nestle liquid baby food cereal 2x250ml 8 </b></i></p><p> Skimmed milk, corn starch, vegetable oils, demineralized milk serum, Fructo-oligosaccharides, lactic grease, mineral salts, inulin, dextrinomaltosa and vitamins.</p><p> Cereals: meal hydrolyzed wheat, wheat, barley, rye, maize, rice, millet, sorghum and oats, extract of malt and vanillin.</p><p><p> MiFarma recommends breastfeeding and advice by experts for proper infant feeding</p>,width:250,height:2502.99instock3.632.7181808181818180.64Nestle Atida Cash/Atida Cash 5%/Mifarma Days/Baby and Mom/Feeding/Baby Food and Jars/Baby and Mom/Baby and Mom/Feeding/Special Promotion/15% off Nestlè Nan2024-09-16T06:10:23+0000