Audio Planes, special without filter<p><span>Plic Audio Planes, special without filter</span><br></p><p> Ear protectors designed specifically for airplane travel and provide long-lasting relief during noisy trips.</p><p> Essential for sensitive ears or for people who suffer from earaches.</p><p> Made with thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) without silicone or latex,</p><p> Includes case to store them, reusable.</p><p> Dimensions: 5.5 x 1.5 cm.</p>,width:250,height:2508.99instock13.687.4297510661157344.69Plic and Hygiene/Nose and Ears/Protection/Health and Hygiene/Health and Hygiene/Nose and Ears2024-09-16T05:58:21+0000