Audio - Travel and Tranquility<p><span>Plic Audio - Travel and Tranquility</span><br></p><p> Travel hearing protectors. They are designed to travel with serenity, without being bothered by surrounding noise.</p><p> They allow you to isolate yourself to read, study or rest in a noisy environment like the train.</p><p> With a double filter that specifically reduces ambient noise and lets speech and ringing pass through.</p><p> They come with a waterproof aluminum protective case to ensure hygiene.</p><p> Dimensions: 5.5 x 1.5 cm.</p>,width:250,height:2506.99instock13.685.7768585041322496.69Plic and Hygiene/Nose and Ears/Protection/Health and Hygiene/Health and Hygiene/Nose and Ears/Special Promotion/Last Opportunities2024-09-16T06:06:40+0000