Electric Night & Day Replacement 2 units<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Raid Electric Night & Day Replacement 2 units<br></span></p><p>It is an electrical device that works effectively against mosquitoes (common and tiger) and flies.</p><p>
It has a compressed format, which provides maximum effectiveness and safety.
</p><p>Drip-free device which allows it to be placed in any position. </p><p>
It has a visual indicator placed on the device, which warns when the product runs out.
</p><p>The blue liquid on the indicator will show when it is necessary to renew the replacement.
</p><p>Eliminates and repels mosquitoes.
</p><p>This innovative compressed sand technology has maximum effectiveness and safety.
</p><p>More than 200 hours long.</p>,width:250,height:2507.99instock9.996.603304785124202Raid Days/Home2024-09-16T05:56:37+0000